Ms. Raab and Ella the elephant

Ms. Raab and Ella the elephant

How I can use blogs in my classroom

About Me

Hi- officially I am Margaret but everyone calls me Peggy. I have been teaching art for 23 years. It is a great job and there is never a boring day. So I spend my time doing what I love everyday.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

The statements made by George Siemens (2005), challenges prevailing learning theories and forces us to re-evaluate our teaching strategies.  The process is interesting, valuable and frightening depending upon your experiences and comfort with digital technology.  It also separates teachers from students.  Wilkinson (2006), states students are far ahead of their teachers.  They are much more comfortable turning to web for information.  Today's students have parallel cognitive structures and tend to "leap" around.  Schools and teachers approach learning in a more linear progression.  
In questioning learning theories Siemens states:
Learning theories are concerned with the actual process of learning, not with the value of what is being learned.  In a networked world, the very manner of information that we acquire is worth exploring.
In  a series of on-line discussions the author compares internal and external learning, stating "The network becomes the learning".  Learning does not take place "in the head".  Connections become the learning and there is a basic need for humans to externalize thoughts.  Blogging and other methods of communicating facilitate learning as a result of forming networks with each other.  Connectivism allows students to externalize, increase contact with professionals, and continue to increase learning, as new information increases and changes.
These theories and strategies raise many questions.  Are the learning strategies employed in schools today obsolete?  Are teacher training programs utilizing technology?  Is there a developmental component that needs to be examined?  Will students acquire a depth of knowledge to allow them to make informed judgments about sources and content?  There is no doubt that teaching methods will need to change as a result of technology.  There are many obvious benefits to many new digital technologies, the question of how to integrate these into the schools will be challenging.
Siemens, G. (2005).  Connectivism: a learning theory for the digital age. Retrieved January 5, 2005 from
Siemens, G.  (2009).  The changing nature of knowledge. Retrieved January 10, 2009 from
Siemens, G (2009). The conflict of learning theories with human nature.  Retrieved January 10, 2009 from
Siemens, G (2209).  The impact of social media on learning.  Retrieved January 10, 2009,
Siemens, G (2009).  The network is learning. Retrieved January 10, 2009,from
Richardson, W. (2006)Blogs,Wikis,Podcasts, and other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms. Thousand Oaks, California, Corwin Press 

Thursday, January 22, 2009

How I can use blogs in my clssroom

There are several things that stand out as possible blogging opportunities in my classroom.  Over the years visuals and viewing the art of famous and current professional artists has always been problematic.  Materials are very expensive, and field trips are always difficult to arrange, and limiting based on what resources we have in our community.  Here in Buffalo, we are fortunate to have great resources, but a one time trip to the Albright Knox is not enough!  As a result, blogging seems as if it would provide a great opportunity to open up the world of museums to students.  
1.)To start, I would like to post a picture and have students respond to it, and answer each others questions.  A beginning dialogue about art.
2.) I would like students to post children's museum sites, and facilitate a discussion about the merits of these sites.  There are many activities available for students on these sites
3.) The goal would be to have students talking about art.  Using common vocabulary, and eventually be able to have these conversations about there own work.

These are just beginning ideas, I think there are wonderful applications to this discipline.  Unfortunately, the school district blocks these sites at this time, but hopefully the policy will change.